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Auto Insurance Adjusters May Pour on the Charm—But They Are Not Your Friends!

Auto Insurance Adjusters May Pour on the Charm—But They Are Not Your Friends!

Car accidents can be a terrifying experience for anyone, whether they are catastrophic or a mild fender bender. The adrenaline begins surging as soon as you realize the impact, and whether you are injured or not, you may feel extremely shaken. The most important thing to do immediately afterward is stop, pull over if possible, and assess whether you or your passengers are injured. If there is any question whatsoever, medical help should be called.

A multitude of different injuries are common to auto accidents, and unfortunately this includes fatalities too. Houston’s metropolitan areas can be extremely hazardous; in fact, recent analysis found that they are the most deadly in the nation for drivers, passengers and other travelers, stating that around 640 people die every year, and around 2,850 more suffer serious injuries. If you have been hurt due to the negligence of another driver, you may have suffered a serious concussion, traumatic brain injury, spinal injury, broken bones, contusions, or more. An emergency room visit, or hospital stay may be required, and you may be surprised at how quickly you hear from insurance adjusters from the other side.

If you have suffered injuries and there may be a case, it is critical to consult with a skilled car accident attorney like Attorney Sgt. Pike as soon as possible so they can handle all the details of your insurance claim—and most importantly, take over all communications with adjusters and insurance company representatives. You may find that in speaking with them initially, adjusters are quite smooth, friendly—and even charming. They are trained to be adept at getting as much information from you as possible and will use anything against you that they can. Their job is to make money for the insurance company, and in no way are they your friends!

Adjusters will ask for facts about the case and may request medical records and any other information related to the accident. They may also ask to interview you by phone and tape the conversation. All these requests should be met with a polite but firm no, as you refer them to your attorney. The adjuster’s job is to extract information and then formulate a way to either deny your claim altogether—or present you with a low-ball offer in the hopes that you will not pursue the case further.

Please call the law offices of Andrew ‘Pike’ Piekalkiewicz, PLLC as soon as possible if you have been in a car accident and injured due to the negligence of others. Attorney Sgt. Pike activates and deploys his proprietary Car Accident Response Team or C.A.R.T.™ immediately after being hired and in cases where it is appropriate, with a team of specialized personnel trained in every aspect of car wrecks and injuries deployed. Call now at (713) 748-7453 for a no obligation case review.