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Does the Other Insurance Company Have to Pay for My Medical Bills?

Does the Other Insurance Company Have to Pay for My Medical Bills?

Although being in a car accident is usually a stressful experience no matter what, the anxiety that follows afterward can be enormous, and completely unexpected. If your car has been significantly damaged and you have been injured, you may suddenly find an overwhelming amount of details to handle; after all, if you were in a car accident due to the negligence of others, chances are one minute you were driving along innocently—and in the next, you became the victim of a car crash—with the potential for catastrophe. Suddenly, along with trying to deal with pain and recuperate, you are also expected to communicate with adjusters, car repair shops, and perhaps a host of doctors and specialists too—that could also extend to other family members as well if they were injured.

While a fender bender may leave you feeling relieved that the incident wasn’t more serious, as you are able to leave the scene quickly without even calling police in some cases, a serious car accident can result in broken bones that require surgery, terrible sprains, neck injuries, spinal injuries that are long-lasting, traumatic brain injury, and much more. You could also be left without the ability to work—either temporarily or permanently—leading to abrupt and extreme financial duress.

With the help of a skilled car accident attorney, you should be able to file an insurance claim to be paid by the other party’s insurer if they were at fault; however, the other insurer will not technically be paying your medical bills—they will be paying you a lump sum settlement in most cases so that you can cover all the bills, and be properly compensated for your emotional distress too.

If you have a valid case, there should be no reason for the insurance company to avoid paying your claim expediently. This is precisely why you need an attorney who is used to all the tricks insurance companies employ to get out of paying claims—whether they may be causing unreasonable delays, asking you for ridiculous amounts of information, trying to denying your claim with little cause, or making low-ball offers accompanied by threats that you better take what you can get.

If you have been injured in a car accident due to the negligence of others, please call the law offices of Andrew ‘Pike’ Piekalkiewicz, PLLC as soon as possible at (713) 748-7453 or visit AttorneySgtPike for a no obligation case review. As a variation of the system employed in trucking cases, Sgt. Attorney Pike activates and deploys the Car Accident Response Team or C.A.R.T. ™ immediately after being hired and in appropriate cases. A team of specialized personnel trained in every aspect of car wrecks and injuries is deployed. Let us help you!