Car and truck accidents, and more, are on the rise not only in Houston, but around the entire US. While frightening statistics just continue to grow, experts continue to question the reasons, especially with so many different public safety campaigns disseminated today, and general knowledge provided about how to stay more protected on the roads—no matter how you are traveling. As a frequent driver though, you may be able to figure out the reason for yourself quickly—if you have not already—pointing directly to distracted drivers, many of whom you may have passed in your daily commute, or just on the way to pick up groceries earlier in the day.
Assuming you are not seriously incapacitated after a car wreck (and being taken to the hospital in an ambulance), certain items should be documented for the insurance claim and any potential insurance claim. First, it is imperative to ask for the other party’s contact information as well as their insurance information. The police should be called, and there should be a police report filed also containing this information and more. Next, if you can get pictures of your car and the damage involved from every angle possible, as well as of the other car, also showing license plates for both cars, this is extremely helpful.
Years ago, this type of documentation would not have been so easily attained, but today most people have a smartphone or quick access to one, meaning that you can gain a comprehensive, photographic panorama of the accident afterward. Photograph the scene of the accident from every angle possible (including the road), any glass or debris on the road, street signs, stoplights, and any other relevant items. If possible, also photograph any visible injuries.
Although many car accidents may be difficult to avoid if there is another negligent motorist involved, remember that driving defensively is more important than ever. Along with distracted drivers, you must also be aware that others could be driving under the influence, are in the habit of being reckless, or may be completely inexperienced. Being hit by another car can be a defining moment for your health—both emotionally and physically—and afterward, you will need as much time as possible to recuperate without having to worry about fighting with the insurance company. Consult with a skilled car accident attorney as soon as possible so you can spend your time healing.
Please call the law offices of Andrew ‘Pike’ Piekalkiewicz, PLLC as soon as possible if you have been in a car accident and injured due to the negligence of others. Attorney Sgt. Pike activates and deploys his proprietary Car Accident Response Team or C.A.R.T.™ immediately after being hired and in cases where it is appropriate, with a team of specialized personnel trained in every aspect of car wrecks and injuries deployed. Call now at (713) 748-7453 or visit AttorneySgtPike for a no obligation case review.