If you’re wondering why your insurance claim has not been paid promptly, it could have very little to do with your actual situation—but everything to do with big profits. For most policyholders, having a claim paid quickly is extremely important. Most individuals do not have billions of dollars like the insurance companies do, and they also do not have the luxury of timing things perfectly for maximizing profit; in the case of an accident or liability issue though, finances could be even more important as you may have been hurt and unable to work, or you could have lost your job or fallen into financial distress while taking the required time to heal.
If you have heard nothing from your insurer after a claim, you may realize that they are not just trying to give you the short end of the stick, but there may not be a stick at all! Adjusters may not have even bothered with an investigation, and there is always the chance that when a claim comes across an adjuster’s desk, they may not even review it before denying it. Unfortunately, in many of these cases only the squeaky wheel gets their claim paid, and if you are dealing with an insurer who is practicing bad faith, then you may be on the lookout for a quick denial with no reason, numerous delays, and any other tactics that may be routine for the insurer, but it could be behavior you have never been subjected to before, leaving you to worry that the repercussions of not having your claim paid are going to be financially devastating.
The deepest part of the problem, spanning the industry, is that the insurance companies do not care about your situation, they do not care if you are waiting on a claim, they do not care if you are recovering from an injury. That’s why you must consult with a skilled attorney from a firm like the law offices of Andrew ‘Pike’ Piekalkiewicz, PLLC as soon as possible so you can work someone who will protect your best interest. The overall behavior allowed by the insurance industry and the amount of illegal activity that insurance companies get away with is stunning. And it is so much worse when you are the one being left out in the cold—especially if you have a family to support and a life to live.
If you have been injured in an accident due to the negligence of others, this is not the time to go it alone! Please call the law offices of Andrew ‘Pike’ Piekalkiewicz, PLLC as soon as possible at (713) 748-7453 or visit AttorneySgtPike for a no obligation case review.